The Halfway Convenience Store & Filling Station
58 Tattyreagh Road | Omagh | BT78 1PZ
The Halfway Convivence store & Filling Station occupies a prominent pitch between the County Town of
Omagh and Fintona. The property fronts onto the Tattyreagh Road(B122) and situated some 4 miles from
Omagh. The premises are also conveniently located of the main A5 Road link and enjoy a constant passing
trade and strong local customer base.
Property Overview
The property comprises a busy modern Vivo Essentials convenience store, Maxol filling station and
accompanying facilities on a site area of approximately 0.5 acres with a retail building extending to a Gross
External Area of approximately 2000 sq ft together with a forecourt and canopy, double-sided fuel pump
terminal, car wash facilities, large carpark/yard area & detached commercial warehouse shed/store. The retail
building provides a general shop area, delicatessen counter, customer toilet facilities, former off licence
premises (licence excluded) The property was fitted out to a high standard in 2020 by the current owners
including tiled flooring, LED lights and air conditioning.
Internal Features
➢ Modern Internal fitout including shelving, fridges & freezers.
➢ Two Point EPOS till area with tobacco sales and vape cabinet
➢ The Creamery’ Ice Cream Parlour
➢ ‘Bread & Butter Food to Go’ Deli counter with digital display boards
➢ Barista Bar Coffee Machine with digital display
➢ Former Off Sales Area – (Licence not included)
➢ Canopy
➢ Maxol supplied
➢ Digital roadside fuel display sign
➢ Double side pump terminal
➢ 24hr Automated Pump
➢ Underground fuel storage facility
Derv : 35,000 Litres
Petrol : 12,000 Litres
External Features
➢ Car wash
➢ Solid Fuel Store
➢ Large carpark area with concrete surface
➢ Detached warehouse ( c1800 sqft) – currently occupied
➢ Stores
➢ Enclosed yard.
Opening Hours
Monday – Saturday : 7am to 10pm
Sunday: 9am to 10pm
Fuel available 24hrs today via automated pump
Tenure & Disposal Process
We understand the property is held Freehold. We anticipate that the sale will be by way of a Transfer of a Going Concern (TOGC). We understand that staff will be protected under Transfer of Undertakings (Protection of Employment) Regulations 2006 (TUPE). We recommend parties satisfy themselves on this point. The development land is within the Title.
VAT should not be applicable to the purchase price but will be calculated on apportionment. We recommend parties satisfy themselves on these points.
Fixtures & Fittings
We understand that all fixtures and fittings owned outright are included as part of the sale price (excluding stock at valuation which will be purchased in addition on completion.
For a formal viewing please contact Pollock Estate Agents. Note that all viewings and inspections must adhere to prevailing Government guidance.
Further Information
Please contact:
36 High Street | Omagh | BT78 1BQ
028 8224 5440
IMPORTANT NOTICE Maps are reproduced from the Ordnance Survey Map with the permission of the Controller of H.M. Stationery Office. © Crown copyright licence, published for the
purposes of identification only and although believed to be correct accuracy is not guaranteed. R A Pollock, their clients and any joint agents give notice that: 1. They are not authorised to
make or give any representations or warranties in relation to the property either here or elsewhere, either on their own behalf or on behalf of their client or otherwise. They assume no
responsibility for any statement that may be made in these particulars. These particulars do not form part of any offer or contract and must not be relied upon as statements or
representations of fact. 2. Any areas, measurements or distances are approximate. The text, photographs and plans are for guidance only and are not necessarily comprehensive. It should not
be assumed that the property has all necessary planning, building regulation or other consents and the agents have not tested any services, equipment, or facilities. Purchasers must satisfy
themselves by inspection or otherwise.